Frequently Asked Questions


Support for your Kestrel DROP Wireless Environmental Data Logger.

Please see the DROP FW Change Log:

Shows the latest firmware changes with the Kestrel DROP product line.

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DROP Data Logger Instruction Manuals

Getting Started with Kestrel DROP Wirelss Environmental Data Loggers

DROP Data Logger Downloads

Shows the latest firmware changes with the Kestrel DROP product line.

Here is some guidance on how to solve some power issues with the DROP

DROP Data Logger Certificates of Comformity

Kestrel DROP Wireless Environmental Data Logger specification chart

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We will be changing this in the future so that data will automatically upload when connected however if you want to manually upload the data, please see this video

Uploading Data

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Please see the guidance shown here:

Please try this guidance if having issues connecting to the Kestrel LiNK application for iOS devices

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It will depend on if you want to integrate just the weather data or both the weather and ballistics data. If you need the ballistics (and/or weather) data, please send an email with a high level description of the project to Tech Support Email.
If you just need the weather data protocol, you can fill out our Technology Agreement found here: Kestrel Technology Agreement

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Please try refreshing the cache on the webpage. To do this, press Ctrl-F5. If that does not work, then please try opening the order in an incognito window (Shift-Ctrl-n) . For MAC users on Safari, you can use [CMD] + [ALT] + [E]

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You can find all the information regarding the warranty on your Kestrel by Clicking here

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You can obtain a new battery door from our site here: Battery Doors ... Permalink

Please look at this video for recording a data session

Recording Data Session

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No the DROP will not connect with the Kestrel LiNK Ballistics app. The app does not have a ballistic solver in it so you need to have a 2700 or 5700 in order for it to work correctly. However there are other 3rd party apps that will work with the DROP. Here is a list of them: 3rd Party Apps

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Please see this guidance for any power issues on the DROP

Here is something to try if you DROP all of a sudden will not power up, even with a fresh battery.

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You will first need to create an account if you do not already have one. After you create an account, sign in. Click on your account name at the top of the page and select My Account. On the left of the screen, you will see Product Registration, select this option. Enter your purchase date, serial number and product name into the fields and then select Save.

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Please check out this video on how to setup and use Alerts with the new Kestrel LiNK app

Using Alerts ... Permalink

Please see our guide here:

Kestrel 5 Series Troubleshooting Documents

This gives a method for viewing and remotely controlling the Kestrel using two mobile devices.

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Our DROPs use the standard CR2025 battery coin cell which can provide 3-4 months of battery life. If you want, the DROPs can use a CR2050 battery which can get you an extra month or two of battery life, however you will need to change the battery door and purchase a Kestrel 123 battery door for the DROP to make it fit

K123 Battery Door ... Permalink

Station pressure is used in practical applications outside of weather. For example, ballistics, air flight, and drag racing. This is the unadjusted atmospheric pressure felt at your current location.

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Our article Understanding Pressure, Altitude and Density Altitude talks about Altitude and Barometric Pressure in great detail. The article also describes how to utilize your Kestrel to take these measurements.

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Set the logging rate to the max, 12 hours. You could set the data refresh rate to its max, 1 minute, but that will only have an effect when connected to the DROP. Also if you connect to the DROP in colder weather, this will affect battery life more than in warmer temperatures. If possible, warm up the DROP before doing a data upload to Kestrel LiNK to help with battery life.

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The Stats page shows the data that is currently stored in the logger on the DROP. Currently you need to disconnect and reconnect to acquire more data, so the Refresh is useful only during an active download. You can hit the Refresh button to populate more Stats as they are in the process of being downloaded to the application.

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This is really just personal preference. If the DROP name is related to its location or purpose, then obviously changing the name would be helpful each time.

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Yes. Once you make the settings to the DROP (custom name, logging rate, data refresh rate), those settings stay with the DROP itself. This means that all anyone else would have to do is download the Kestrel LiNK) app from the Google or iTunes App store and connect to the DROP to access.

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The D1 can store 16330 data points. The D2 can store 8164 data points. The D3 can store 6220 data points.

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No. Once a device is connected to a DROP, another device will not be able to connect to the DROP until the first connection has been closed.

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Yes, the DROP works with both iOS AND Android Devices. Click here to learn more about Kestrel LiNK for Android.

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Yes.The DROP will always be logging data if the battery is in the unit. There is no way to turn logging off without removing the battery, although you can set the frequency to every 12 hours.

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A data point is a collection of all the measurements at a set point in time. In other words, if you record the temperature, humidity and pressure at 12:00 AM, all these numbers will constitute a single data point. Thinking of a data point as a “data set” may help.

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This is dependent on a setting for the DROP in the Manage Data Log section. If you go to Manage->Manage Data Log, you will notice a Wrap Log toggle button. If the Wrap Log toggle button is slid to the right (indicates ON), then the oldest logged data will be overwritten when the data logger is full. If the slide is to the left (indicates OFF), then no more data will be collected when the data logger becomes full.

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  • Data Points: 16330
  • Logging every 2 seconds - Fills up after 9 hours
  • Logging every 10 minutes - Fills up after 113 days
  • Logging every hour - Fills up after 680 days


  • Data Points: 8164
  • Logging every 2 seconds - Fills up after 4.5 hours
  • Logging every 10 minutes - Fills up after 56.7 days
  • Logging every hour - Fills up after 340 days


  • Data Points: 7257
  • Logging every 2 seconds - Fills up after 4 hours
  • Logging every 10 minutes - Fills up after 50 days
  • Logging every hour - Fills up after 302 days


  • Data Points: 6220
  • Logging every 2 seconds - Fills up after 3.5 hours
  • Logging every 10 minutes - Fills up after 43 days
  • Logging every hour - Fills up after 259 days

DROP D3 Fire

  • Data Points: 6531
  • Logging every 2 seconds - Fills up after 3.6 hours
  • Logging every 10 minutes - Fills up after 45 days
  • Logging every hour - Fills up after 272 days
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