Frequently Asked Questions


You can only download data to a PC, Mac or Linux Desktop or Laptop computer. You cannot download data to a tablet or smart phone due to device limitations.

To download data from

  1. Switch to Data View by selecting the Data icon .
  2. Pick a data range by selecting the calendar .
  3. To download data for the date range, tap the download icon .

You will be prompted to export All Data (5-minute), or the Daily Summary Data:

A status bar will provide the percent-download completed:

Save the csv files (comma separated value)  to your computer.

For more information on csv file definittion, visit:

csv files can be read by most data management programs, such has Excel, MySQL and more.

Here is the format for the time and date field:

What Is The Time Format For AmbientWeather.Net Data Files?

If you are a programmer, consider our API for automatically downloading data:


You can also use a third party application, such as WeatherSnoop for Mac and Weather Display for PC:


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... Permalink not only features a mobile friendly and responsive dashboard that works well on any platform (desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile device) but also features apps for iOS and Android Devices as well as third party apps.  You can bookmark your dashboard here:

or download apps here:


For programmers:

We developed an Application Programming Interface (API) that will allow you and others to write applications and integrate with other products (above and beyond the current features like text alerts, email alerts, IFTTT, Google Home and Amazon Alexa).

You can learn more here:


To view apps developed using the APIs and, visit our Community Page:


You can keep track of what is happening at our Ambient Weather Network User’s Group:

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To expand a specific tile and move it to the top of your dashboard, press the + icon  at the bottom of each tile, and additional detailed information will be displayed.

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Data is stored at at a rate of once per 5 minutes.

After one month, data is stored at a rate of once per 30 minutes.

Archived data is stored for one year. All data is removed after one year. includes an API, so developers can automatically retrieve your own real-time and historical personal weather station JSON formatted data, or build 3rd party apps and get data from multiple devices.

To learn more about our API, visit:

You can also use one of the third party apps to automatically download data:



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The white dot next to the left is the lowest recording. The white dot on the right is the highest recording, and the yellow dot is the average.

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To view API documentation, visit:

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What is an API?

API stands for Application Programming Interface, and allows programmers to easily develop programs and applications that communicate with weather stations at

RESTful And Real-Time APIs:

Developers, retrieve your own real-time and historical personal weather station JSON formatted data, or build 3rd party apps and get data from multiple devices.


  • JSON Formatted Data
  • Secure Data Retrieval
  • Community Support

Full API Reference:


API Docs

    to learn more.

Facebook API Group:


      Join the private Ambient Weather API User's Group, and ask questions and get answers from other programmers familiar with the Ambient Weather Network API -

more info

API Keys:

What is an API key?

The API key acts as both a unique identifier and a secure, secret token for authentication.

There are two types of API keys:

  • Developers: An Application Key is required for each application that you develop. To create a device key, login to your account at and visit: Account Settings.

  • Users: A Device Key is required to connect your weather station to the application created by the developer. To create a device key, login to your account at and visit: Account Settings.

    The video below can assist in the API creation process.


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To add a tile back to the dashboard, scroll down to the area below the tiles and tap on the icon next to Add Back to Dashboard:

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To change the graph to a different day, or change the graph scale to week, month or year, tap on the appropriate button at the top of the graphs.

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To delete an alert, go the alerts panel:

and tap the Trash Can icon  next to the specific alert you wish to delete.

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To switch between the graph view and data view on the dashboard, press the graph or data buttons to toggle between the two views.

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Please uninstall the app you are having an issue with(Ambient Tool, awnet app or Ambient Dashboard), restart the phone, then reinstall the app. If the phone asks for location services please select either ‘always allow’ or ‘allow while using’

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Q: How do I measure snowfall?


A: Please refer to the link for the National Weather Service:

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