Frequently Asked Questions

Tag target

Press and hold the far right button (2 seconds) to toggle between the various screens. You can turn these screens on or off in the main menu if you do not plan to use them. The screens in order are:

  • Single Target
  • Single Target - Large Font
  • Target Card (Elite Only)
  • Target Card - Large Font (Elite Only)
  • DOPE Card (Elite Only)
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Go into the Main Menu and scroll down to Single Tgt Setup. Highlight Row 1 or Row 2 and toggle the values until you see your preferred values showing on the screen.

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Make sure on the Kestrel you go into Environment and set Wcap to All Targets instead of One Target

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The Kestrel 2700 only supports 1 target at a time.

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  1. After calibrating the compass, use the left or right arrow buttons to set the range. Holding the button will make the range increase quicker.
  2. Press the center button to enter environmental capture. Swing or wave the Kestrel to get airflow over the sensor. Once the temperature stabilizes press the center button again.
  3. Next is the direction of fire screen. Point the back of the Kestrel towards your target and press the center button to do a capture.
  4. Wind direction and speed follows. Point the back of the Kestrel directly into the prevailing wind. Make sure you capture at least 10 seconds of wind in this direction and when satisfied press the center button to end capture.
  5. If inclination was set in the app, enter your inclination angle using the directional arrows.
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The true distance to target should be entered, as reported by a laser range finder or whatever other means the operator is using to get range to target. See below:

Angle of Inclination

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