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Kestrel Instruments Support & FAQs

When should I recalibrate my humidity, wind (impeller), temperature, and/or pressure sensor?


  • The humidity sensor can drift up to +/- 2% for every 24 months. (This is independent of whether or not the Kestrel is used on a regular basis)
  • NK recommends calibrating every 2 years to stay within spec.


  • The impeller drift is <1% after 100 hours use at 16 MPH(This is dependent on usage)
  • NK recommends purchasing a new impeller every 2-3 years base on usage.
    • Temperature

      • The temperature sensor will have a negligible drift during the life of the product.
      • The temperature sensor should NOT need recalibration.


      • The pressure sensor will have a negligible drift during the life of the Kestrel.
      • This sensor can be recalibrated in the field with a known reference source.
      • Please Contact NK before adjusting the system barometric pressure.