Frequently Asked Questions


Please see the guidance shown here:

Here is guidance on how to submit an order through the website for Tax Exempt customers.

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Please see the guidance shown here:

Please try this guidance if having issues connecting to the Kestrel LiNK application for iOS devices

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It will depend on if you want to integrate just the weather data or both the weather and ballistics data. If you need the ballistics (and/or weather) data, please send an email with a high level description of the project to Tech Support Email.
If you just need the weather data protocol, you can fill out our Technology Agreement found here: Kestrel Technology Agreement

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Please try refreshing the cache on the webpage. To do this, press Ctrl-F5. If that does not work, then please try opening the order in an incognito window (Shift-Ctrl-n) . For MAC users on Safari, you can use [CMD] + [ALT] + [E]

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Please see this video on how to install the soil sensor array to the KestrelMet 6000 weather station: Soil Sensor Array Installation ... Permalink

Here's a video that shows how to calibrate the compass and has some troubleshooting tips as well: Compass Calibration ... Permalink